• Chris Parks Art

    Fluid Films

Despite the incredible advances in digital VFX, there is still something magical in the analogue.
Chris has taken the cloud tank techniques used in films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and Close encounters of the Third Kind and refined them to create mesmerising and powerful imagery that has an unrivalled organic and timeless quality.
His studio is a treasure trove of techniques and ideas from throughout the history of film. 180 year old optics are combined with digitally controlled drive systems. Special effects processes from the early days of photography sit alongside the most precise of modern day lighting.
This has lead to its use in feature films such as The Tree of Life and The Fountain and commercials for brands including Apple, Rolls Royce and Vogue.

Feature Projects

“He didn’t want to use computer graphics. He wanted visual effects to be timeless ”

Jeremy Dawson - VFX Designer - The Fountain

“We saw beautifully vibrant and active reactions that look remarkably like deep space photography we’ve seen from NASA. ”

Dan Schrecker - VFX Supervisor - The Fountain

“…when Darren had rewritten the script and we were going back in to Warner Bros saying we wanted to make this movie again, Jeff Robinoff told us then that one of the reasons why he’s kept this film alive all this time was in part because of the Parks footage.”

Eric Watson - Producer - The Fountain

“Everything in space is organic. I was searching for a guy who could do something that abstract and we found Image Quest 3D”

Darren Aronofsky - Director - The Fountain

“Parks was one of the reasons Warner Bros. greenlit the movie. When Jeff Robinov saw the test footage we did with Image Quest, I think he got a sense of how unusual this film could be ”

Darren Aronofsky - Director

Short Films & Commercials

Contact Us

Chris Parks Art
Studio 216 Screenworks
22 Highbury Grove
London, N5 2EF, UK

P: +44 (0)7740 868211

Contact Us

© 2023 by Chris Parks Art Ltd

© Copyright 2023 by Chris Parks Art Ltd

Chris Parks Art
Studio 216 Screenworks
22 Highbury Grove, London, N5 2EF

+44 (0)7740 868211

Contact Us